Sunday, July 30, 2017

Initially, the exchange between an employer and a laborer was only confined to the exchange of service for goods, and later, for money when the whole idea of currency came into the picture. Thus the only satisfaction that the laborer received was being able to put supper on his table with the wages that he earned. However, in recent times, it's not just the money or incentives that an employee expects.
Keys to Job Satisfaction
Keys to Job Satisfaction

The Employee Also Looks For Certain Level Of Job Satisfaction :

1. Self Awareness :

Every individual is born with different ideas, choices, skills and interests. It is only after deep introspection of his emotions and thoughts, one actually realizes the areas where his interests lie. Interest that one pursues in his nascent stage of life, later transpire into becoming a career choice.
Thus self-awareness is imperative while choosing a career path and in accruing job satisfaction associated with it. So the degree of job satisfaction is in direct proportion to the clarity of thought on interests that an individual possesses. Thus, pursuing career out of your own interest wouldn't let the feeling of toiling creeps in while you work and subsequently result in higher levels of job satisfaction.

2. Priorities :

Priorities of individuals depend on their mental conditioning and upbringing. For some, choosing a career path would be purely based on the dexterity they pose, while for others, it could be with the intent of amassing wealth, or selflessly working for a social cause. In that case if one happens to have complacency with their job, they need to factor in their priorities while making a career choice.

3. Work-life balance :

The magnitude of belligerent competition has given companies a run for their money. Thus the employees of the companies are at the receiving end of this massive onslaught. Despite pursuing a career of their choice, individuals find themselves doing work which is monotonous and involves a lot of drudgery. There is a spike in the number of neurologists, therapists, and spiritual guides if certain reports are to be believed. Thus it can be inferred that there are augmented levels of stress and discontent amongst the working class, And consequently, a dismal rate of job satisfaction. Thus companies these days have ingeniously come up with policies that nurture a proper work-life balance, out of which granting options like work from home, paid maternity leave, offering flexible working hours and lucrative holiday packages would ensure a good work-life balance and subsequently higher levels of job satisfaction. Thus the fact that work-life balance plays a critical role in mental and physical well-being of a person, it is vital that you weigh in its importance.

4. Maintain cordial relations at workplace :

According to a Harvard research done on individuals, the most significant factor that contributes to a happy life is - maintaining healthy relationships. During the course of our lives we approximately spend 40 years working, which is almost half of our lifetime. Thus a major part of our life is spent in nexus with our coworkers. The people that surround us have a significant influence on our overall psyche. Thus it can have a positive impact on you, your work and your social life depending on the extent to which you are congenial to your fellow workers. Respect your colleagues, and they will do the same, help them in the need of the hour, respect their opinions, and they would never let you down. The efforts that you put will reap benefits by maintaining a healthy social and professional life and bring in a great deal of job satisfaction.

5. Having a positive and a progressive attitude :

Having a positive attitude towards your work can be a significant differentiation. Following the principles of honesty and sincerity along with a sense of responsibility that one carries can yield great incentives. Thus the amount of respect and recognition that you wield, would bring in higher levels of job satisfaction. Thus it would compel you to take up new responsibilities and make you an asset to the company.

Thus job satisfaction is an important part of the bargain between the employee and the employer. It is advisable on the employees' part to have a proactive contribution in achieving the same. However, it is not a one-way exchange, and the onus lies equally on the employer to provide job satisfaction to their employees. A higher degree of job satisfaction amongst the employees would make them more productive, and potential contributors to the company.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

If you have passion for working with people and guiding them, then a career guide profession will suit you. In this profession, you will have to provide clients with information on different types of occupations, and guide them to make practical choices. You will meet clients of different age groups, who could be high school students or working professionals. Career guidance is much-needed for choosing a right track, building a resume, and getting through the job application process.
Five Things To Know About Career Guidance
Things To Know About Career Guidance

Five Things To Master Career Guidance :

1. Job description of a career counselor :

Career counselors provide guidance to clients after considering their educational background, previous work experience, area of interest, personality and skills. Their only goal is to provide help to people in finding a suitable job for them where they would get job satisfaction. They guide high school students for choosing courses, colleges, and universities. For working professionals, they guide for switching jobs, and finding employment. They can also work online as a freelancer or with educational institutions.

2. Qualifications and training required :

Any bachelor's degree is acceptable for getting into this profession. However, most counselors have a master's degree in counseling as it is required to obtain a license in most of the states. Though a license is not always needed for this profession, what is needed is your maturity and counseling skills. If you are thinking of practicing privately, then a license may be needed. Some school or colleges may exempt this obligation.

3. Remuneration :

Salaries for a counselor differ from location, employer and position. For an entry-level counselor, the remuneration may range between $18,000 and $22,000. For experienced, employers may offer up to $27,000. A senior person approximately earns around $35,000. Salaries may differ whether you are working for full-time or part-time. The package may also vary based on where you are employed.

4. Job Duties :

They have to study clients' previous records, conduct aptitude tests to collect sufficient data and guide with their career-related issues. Career counselors also help clients in developing future plans, guide them on how to find a suitable job and make them aware regarding the current market scenario. They also assist them with drafting of resumes and cover letters.

5. Skills required :

For this job role, one must be self-confident and willing to listen to other people. Excellent oral and written communication skills are necessary. Interpersonal skills and problem-solving skills are also very important. In addition, skills in understanding the issue of client and planning a strategy to solve it is necessary. Further, you must be flexible, tolerant, and patient. Most importantly, skills to understand clients' needs and analyze their psychology are vital.

If you are self-confident and feel capable of working as a counselor, then you can choose this profession. In this field, you would come across number of people every day. Having a helpful nature is most essential as the client is going to trust on you, and make future decision. You can work with any educational organization as a full-time counselor, or you can practice on your own.